Nigera Update 2014

Hello Rev Dave,

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. It’s so good to be led by His Spirit. As I told you on the phone I have been in a new region here in Nigeria. I am confident that starting a another John Roger’s Bible Institute will enable us to train more men and women for the LORD’s work here. Heritage AFlame has been instrumental in assisting us in this adventure. Thank you!!! I am about setting back to you now[5:20pm]. By His grace I have been able to meet with the contact person and we have agreed to do the following:

1 Apply for the use of a Primary school which will take much lesser than a rented building.

2.Print hand bills for publicity, attach letters printed and get them distributed to churches in the community for announcement.

3. Visit again this week to arrange for one other lecturer who will also teach in the school.

4. That the school should be a week end school – having school days from Thursday to Saturday;4pm to 7pm on Thursdays and Fridays – then intensive on Saturday from 8am to 3pm

By His grace that is how we stand and have agreed. I should be writing the application for the use of the primary schools and see how to get funds to print the flyers[handbills] so as to take to the place on Saturday this week. We intend to start the school by the first week of February by His grace.
Please pray for us and safety as I travel to and from here.

Also I want to thank you for praying for me as I was by GOD’S GRACE SELECTED BY OUR GOVERNMENT TO TRAVEL TO ISRAEL. THE TRIP WAS TRULY AMAZING. WHAT A BLESSING THIS WAS!!! Oh what a Savior we have……

I continue to extend my warmest greetings in the name of the Lord and soon coming King. I thank the Lord that your dear wife Daisy is doing quite well and that she is a powerful prayer partner. We really appreciate her so much and keep praying that the Lord will keep, uphold her and preserve her to His glory,f or your blessing and for the blessing of this great family{HERITAGE AFLAME MINISTRIES}.

I have no regrets having met with you and working with you. I must sincerely confess that since I met and started working with you I have been wonderfully blessed spiritually, materially and otherwise. It is God that made it so I owe Him all the glory and owe you my utmost respect, commitment and prayers. I read your email over and over because I am greatly touched by its contents. Well, I know that the Lord that started this good work in us will perfect it. Amen.

Over the years I have been crying to the Lord on several issues that has so affected me. Thanks for asking for the three needs so as to help me pray.

  1. I am burdened about souls. 2014 is the year that I am asking the Lord to give me MORE souls. Please pray that the Lord will give me souls as we go to establish at least two branches of HAM here in Akwa Ibom State.
  2. My cry is that the Lord will make financial provision to meet with various needs that I have here. Finance to send my children to school, finance to build John Rogers Bible College building. The building here is to be roofed. Please pray about this.
  3. Please pray for more unction of His grace upon my life to serve Him better and that my children and family will keep standing for the Lord. I know as you join with me in these prayer points, God in heaven will hear and will open up doors for us in 2014 since we have suffered in the past few years. Recently, somebody came to see where we are living and felt so bad. The Lord touched his heart so he willingly gave us a vast land to build our personal house. In fact such a land cost NOW over two million naira, but where is the money going to come from as building a house here is no child’s play. However, I trust the Lord to make the provision as there is nothing too hard for the Lord.

Praise God for the new Heritage AFlame website. I will try as much as I can to be a part of what is happening and to post testimonies and words. I am happy to work with you. I pray that the Lord will gently lead you to the end of this year as we see 2014 in good health. I love and respect you greatly.

Your dear brother,friend,son and more,
Gideon James Ukubit

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